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Filipe Janela

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How to assure compliance in mission critical operations

May 26, 2017 10:20:37 AM

Filipe Janela

Posted By Filipe Janela

Regardless of the area you’re in, if you have a mission critical operation, you’re bound by compliance requirements that you must fulfill. How can you assure that you meet those compliance requirements now and that you’ll be able to continue to meet them as your landscape changes?


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3 things you must do to change a serious operational landscape.

May 19, 2017 5:55:31 PM

Filipe Janela

Posted By Filipe Janela

On our last post on change management for operational organizations we covered integration risks. Continuity risks are as serious as integration risks and it’s precisely here that you can generate enough havoc to compromise your mission. Read on to discover how you can mitigate this loophole on operations change management.


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How to mitigate integration risks during operation change management.

May 12, 2017 3:22:27 PM

Filipe Janela

Posted By Filipe Janela

In this post we covered what are the fundamental risk areas that make up your operations change landscape. One of them is integration, a very common source for deal breaker situations that just drive you into the wall while trying to kick off operation changes. Read on to discover a few strategies to mitigate the integration risks that spawn from implementing change in operations.


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Why change management in operations matters

Apr 21, 2017 10:31:22 AM

Filipe Janela

Posted By Filipe Janela

Many people think operations are a simple thing. Just a bunch of people moving things around and lots of time to do it, so what’s the fuss about changing something over there? Well, it really isn’t like that. In fact, assuring that a modification at the operations level succeeds is a daunting task and if you don’t focus on managing that change you’re better off if you don’t do it at all. Read on to discover why change management in operations is a top-level item in your priority list.


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Why a collective ambition is a fundamental thing to work on

Mar 3, 2017 10:27:14 AM

Filipe Janela

Posted By Filipe Janela

There are things that take time, are difficult but when completed, actually deliver more than you expect. A collective ambition is one of those quests that gets you more than you’ve asked for.


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