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5 key things you must have to achieve extreme demand management

Nov 11, 2016 12:11:58 PM

Filipe Janela

Posted By Filipe Janela

On a rapidly evolving manufacturing and distribution landscape, there is an immense pressure to consistently outperform your current benchmark, so you deliver more, with less cost, in less time, more accurately and with better quality. If you think it’s not possible to achieve more with your current organization, you need to check if you have in did built an extreme demand management operation. Because if you didn’t, then you’ll be surprised with what you can actually achieve and, better yet, how you can scale for a fraction of the cost it takes you today. Read on and check out the 5 cornerstones of an extreme Delivery Management operation.


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How to beat the 5 deal breaker challenges in Airline Catering

Nov 4, 2016 12:03:45 PM

Filipe Janela

Posted By Filipe Janela

Airline Catering is, hands down, the single most difficult business in the world. And very few people realize it. It’s just putting some food on an aircraft, how hard can it be, really? Well, it’s much more than that and, given the astonishing pressure exerted by airlines trying to come up with better customer service for lower costs, this is nothing less than a vital piece on one of the most critical businesses in the world. What are the 5 do or die challenges airline catering businesses are facing and how can you learn from them, even if you’re not on that complex industry?


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